In the era of Digital Transformation, we have seen corporations are now facing more and more competition not only from its traditional competitors but from corporations from other industries, tech giants, and even tech start-ups!
Competitive edge nowadays stands not only from corporate’s intrinsic advantage but also from the ability to utilize data. Data ability, however, doesn’t represent the size of the IT or DT team but also data literacy of the whole team.
For any individual career development, it is projected that data literacy is becoming the most critical job skills. Bernard Marr, a famous digital futurist, predicted on Forbes, data literacy is the first and most important job skills in 2020.
Dr. Toa Charm, Chairman of OpenCertHub, is going to deliver an online live broadcast on 25th March at 8 pm – 9 pm. Everyone can get the access link for free and study more about data literacy in the real world at home!
▲Dr. Toa Charm, Chairman of OpenCertHub
The online live broadcast will share why and how talents should reskill themselves to become data literate and empower themselves and co-workers to become citizen data scientists to unleash the power of Bid Data in real business competition.
What is Citizen Data Scientist? According to Gartner research analyst Alexander Linden, “Citizen Data Scientists” are people who have vital data skills, such as a degree in mathematics or social sciences, and can use these skills to explore and analyze data. It is estimated that Citizen Data Scientists are essential roles for any corporate in the process of digital transformation.
To join the live broadcast, please click the link below at 8 pm on 25th March.
Topic:《Walking into Big Data’s World》
Speaker: Dr. Toa Charm, Chairman of OpenCertHub, DBA, M.A., B.Sc., AI and Big Data Certification (MIT), Former senior management officer of Cyberport, HSBC, IBM, Oracle, Kingdee and Jardine Pacific.
Date: 25th March 2020
Time: 2000-2100
Language: Mandarin
Fee: Free
Please Click Here to Join the Live Broadcast